Five Element Acupuncture
This will be a 60 minute acupuncture treatment. This method of healing the body is based on balancing an individual as a whole, in order to get to the root of an issue. In addition to acupuncture, cupping, moxa and herbal therapies are also used. ($175 Initial New Patient Appointment, $125 Follow-ups)
Human Design Readings
This service includes an in-depth review of your personal Human Design chart. Find out who you came to this planet destined to be as well as how to use your energy most efficiently to achieve your life goals. Couples Human Design readings are also available. These include a one hour in-depth review of you and your partners Human Design chart. Find out who you and your partner came to this planet to be, how you can best communicate and live in harmony, as well as how to use your energy most efficiently to achieve your life goals together. Option to add a reading of your Akashic records to the session. Sessions can be in person or via Zoom. ($150 Human Design, $200 Human Design and Akashic Records, $225 Couples Human Design)
Manifestation Coaching
Integrated Energy Healing
Celluma Light Therapy
In this one-hour session with Neva you will map out your personal manifestation goals and how to achieve them. For those that are lacking clarity, Neva can help you to find the clarity you are seeking. Neva will guide you through your personal manifestation style based on your Human Design, your Five Element diagnosis as well as other manifestation archetypes that Neva has found helpful in her manifestation journey. 6-session series is recommended but not required. Sessions can be done in person or via Zoom. ($150)
In this 60 minute session, Neva will feel into any blockages in your system and clear them using energy healing and channeling. Within these energy readings, she is able to tap into past life trauma, unresolved inner child trauma, and/or chakra blockages. ($200)
30 minute treatment with the Celluma Light. LED light therapy helps improve cellular function by accelerating the repair of compromised tissue cells. The Celluma is great for treating pain, skin conditions (acne, wrinkles, eczema, etc) and hair loss. Neva also offers Celluma light therapy paired with acupuncture. ($60)